Everyone gets a stiff neck once and a while. Right? It might happen first thing in the morning if you slept wrong. Or it might be at the end of a long workday after you’ve finished an especially stressful project or what is worst you had an unattended injury after a car crash or work accident. You turn your head from side to side, and your neck really hurts.

There’s a big difference between a stiff neck and one that hurts so bad that it makes your head spin, but how do you know when it’s “bad enough” that it’s time to see Dr. Daniel for neck pain?

Come to Radiance Spine for neck pain if…

  • Your neck pain or stiffness does not improve after a few days.
  • You cannot look to the right or left without severe neck pain.
  • You feel like you must use over-the-counter pain medications just to make it through the day and are using it regularly to treat your neck pain.
  • You’re worried that your neck pain may have a serious cause.
  • Your neck pain started in the neck but has moved to numbness or tingling in your hands or wrists.
  • Your neck pain started within a few days of a car crash or work injury.
  • Your neck pain is worse when you first wake up in the morning but then begins to feel a little better as the day progresses.

Dr. Daniel at radiance Spine Injury & Wellness Center will conduct a thorough consultation and examination – asking you questions about --your symptoms, the history of your neck pain, what types of movement make it worse and which things make it feel better.